Friday, July 17, 2020

Percentage of Deaths Caused by Covid-19

I calculated the percentage of all deaths reported by the CDC that involved Covid-19. The data was last updated July 16. The total number of deaths is much lower for recent weeks because of a lag in processing of death certificates, but unless the lag for Covid-19 involved deaths is greater than deaths from other causes, the percentages still indicated that the pandemic (as measured by number of deaths) peaked in mid April and is now in decline. Reporting of surging infection rates is probably mostly a result of increased testing, but the discrepancy between number of infections and number of deaths is likely also due to improved treatments and the fact that new infections may be affecting healthier populations as compared to those infected in April.

Week    All Deaths  Deaths From  Percentage of Deaths Caused by
Ending  Involving   All Causes   Covid-19
04/18/20   16928    76133        22.2%
04/25/20   15261    73060        20.9%
05/02/20   12997    68319        19.0%
05/09/20   10983    65572        16.7%
05/16/20    8972    62896        14.3%
05/23/20    6984    59608        11.7%
05/30/20    5921    56843        10.4%
06/06/20    4738    55281         8.6%
06/13/20    3863    53233         7.3%
06/20/20    3258    51142         6.4%
06/27/20    2501    46892         5.3%
07/04/20    1440    36602         3.9%
07/11/20     413    19408         2.1%

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